Wednesday, October 14

happy happy happ

today is a lucky day

first i found my laptop
second my MOOCH is doing well
third i could do the 5th questions on the sudden test for 20 secs
(record that!)(but idk whether it's wrong or correct lol)
forth killer teacher on kumon didn't come today YAHOO!
fifth i finished my N 111 awright! xDD
sixth i can use my compi again
seventh MOOCH slept earlier, very early today
eighth YETI called my name! for the first time :D
ninth my mom suddenly like DIS and SGU and before considering the pricy she agreed lol
oh and thanks to p sony who was sooo kind and taught me the volley
i could do better even though it's not that good haha

and whatever whatever today i really am happy
even though today i was late a minute
but they still wrote my name
and i missed bernad's stupid speech from central
and i argued with my mom
and my math sudden test is miserable
and today my brother's fuckin butt won't get up, that pig...
and some viruses that ruin my life
and my aunt's aho technician
and my aunt itself


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